If you would like to become a vendor, please fill out the form below.
Booth spaces are $25 each, with the exception of downtown yard sales, which will be $10 each . Discounts are given for multiple events. Booth spaces will be approximately 10′ x 10′ – please reserve enough space ahead of time. Electricity will be available on first-come, first- serve basis. Bring your own set up.
By purchasing booth space at a Downtown Sikeston event, you, the vendor, understand that these events will be held RAIN OR SHINE. Vendors are expected to stay until the end of the event, no packing up early, and NO REFUNDS will be issued. Corporate rules restricting multiple vendors must be addressed by the company. The Historic Downtown Sikeston group reserves the right to approve vendor entries.
To ensure booth space, please fill out the form below and submit entry fees to:
Downtown Sikeston
ATTN: Jason Davis
215 N New Madrid St.
Sikeston, MO 63801
For more information or if you have any questions, please call (573) 380-3801.